where light does not reach #2
at Konstakademien Galleri Väst, Stockholm
17 december 2016 - 5 february 2017
(dit ljuset inte når)
where light does not reach #1
5 museum´s at Örebro Konsthall, Örebro
10 oktober - 15 november 2015
Darkness is the absence of light, or lack of sun rays.
The darkest part of the day is the night. In western culture
black is the color of mourning and seriousness.
Black can be defined as the absence or presence of all
colors and the reason why something looks black to the eye
is that no visible colors are reflected.
Black represents the initial emptiness associated with fear
and even the unknown because darkness prevents vision.
Black has been linked to insurgents, and it is told that
someone took off his black silk petticoat before a
demonstration in Paris in 1883, hung it on a broomstick and
anarkism had its flag.
Where the light does not reach illuminates the past and a
possible future in harmony with what is called now.
This exhibition can be seen as an archive of different
layers of hidden messages and memories. Essentially what we
don't see, but that still exist. All things that seems to
be lost can after all be present.
Therefore, there is a presence of the absent.
The blackness represents a void, where the light does not