there was five rivers (that separated us)
installations with carpets
Part 5
overcome lethe (forgetfulness)
Tystberga Bygdestuga, Sweden
solo exhibition
carpets with text covered the room from the ceiling to the floor
Part 4
overcome phlegethon (fire)
Infra City Business Center, Upplands väsby Sweden
group exhibition Steg Stunder Ställen
carpets placed on the wall with text from my book "everyone lives
everyone dies"
Part 3
overcome styx (hate)
Konstakademien, Stockholm
group exhibition Mejans Vårutställning
sound installation
about 10 levels of carpets was placed in the room so the visitors
have to cross them and look at dead tv monitors, dead trees and
dead washing machines with sound
Part 2
overcome cocytus (lamentation)
Kulturhuset, Stockholm
group exhibition Against the Public
a path with carpets directed visitors through the building from the
bottom floor up to the seventh floor and ended with a dead
tv monitor
original title: letar efter mamma
Part 1
overcome acheron (woe)
Skulpturens hus, Stockholm
group exhibition Skit bra va!
Galleri Mejan, Stockholm
solo exhibition
a path with carpets directed visitors in two rooms with broken
things and dried plants
original title: hux flux så är du död